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Kidsight Certification Training PowerPoint (from 8-27-2022)
August 27, PID Dr. Ed Cordes, OD, conducted a Zoom training in MD-1 for Lions Kidsight best practices and certification for children's vision screening.  Many Lions attendees asked to have a copy of the PowerPoint, which is attached.  

Updates from CAbinet Treasurer Bird
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Updates from Cabinet Treasurer PDG Bird

New IRS Requirements for Filing


First, I want to thank the 40 club Treasurers that have paid their District 1-BK and MD-1 1st half dues invoices as of August 20, 2022.  Your prompt payment helps the district’s cash flow for our current budget.  Keep up the good work!

The IRS has changed the requirements for non-profits to file forms 990 or 990EZ for the 2021-2022 fiscal year that are due by November 15, 2022.  The IRS will no longer accept paper forms mailed to them – all income tax forms MUST be filed electronically. 

To file IRS forms electronically, they must be submitted in a special coding system that is only available to accountants who are “licensed” by the IRS to use this special coding system.  This means Lions clubs, districts and multiple districts must hire an accountant that has access to the special coding system to file your taxes.  Tax forms that are filed using paper forms will not be accepted and your club or district may be fined by the IRS for being late.

I talked to an accountant for District 1-BK to file our tax forms electronically and he told me I could either have him fill out all the forms for us and file them electronically or I could fill out the forms and then he would retype all the forms and file them electronically.  I am choosing the latter format to save District 1-BK some money.  I don’t know what the fee is to have an accountant only retype the forms a person gives to them and file them electronically.  The accountant I talked to is a friend of mine and he will retype the forms and file them electronically for District 1-BK at no charge.  It’s nice to have friends that are willing to help a non-profit organization with their tax forms.


Cabinet Treasurer PDG Bird        815-795-7011        pdgbird1@mtco.com  

LCI Club Officer Training & Resources (2022)

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About A District, But Were Afraid to Ask!

MD1 Lions Cybersecurity Alert - Phishing Protection for Lions

1BK- Lions,

eMail phishing has become a common scam all around the world, and Lions members are not immune from being phished.  Everyone is target because everyone has something of value to criminals whether it be online access to yours or your club's bank account or individually identifiable information that can be used to open accounts in your name.  Phishing attacks have more doubled in the last year for these two simple reasons:

1.  It is cost-effective for the criminal.  Sending email is cheap.  Criminals look for risk vs. reward and ROI just as any prudent organization or individual does.
2.  It works.  Unfortunately, people will always be the weakest link in any equation.

Please do everything you can to stay a step or two ahead of the hackers and criminals, to protect yourself and your family, your club, district and MD and stay out of the headlines.

LCI has a section on their website regarding phishing protection for Lions.  Please take a moment to view it here:  http://members.lionsclubs.org/EN/resources/phishing-protection.php

An additional excellent resource for you is on SAN.ORG website here:   https://www.sans.org/security-resources/posters/target/100/download
And subscribe to their OUCH eNewsletter here:  https://securingthehuman.sans.org/resources/newsletters/ouch/2017

Any questions, let me know.

Lion Tom Drez

1BK/MD1 IT Chairperson
Home Club:  Lemont (1BK)

LCI Guiding Lions Training Manual (Fall, 2015)

LIF Social Services Manual (as of 10/1/15)

Fellow Lions,


Please find attached a Social Service reference manual I had Trish put together. Please review and use this at your leisure. This should be useful if you received any questions on the Mobile Units or if you get a question on our hearing aid process.


Thank you,


Lion Mario J. Gumino, PDG

Executive Director

Lions of IL Foundation

815-756-5633, ext 224




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