District 1-BK Lions

Active Rooms
Educational Materials
1-BK Important Documents
PAST News & Info
1BK Officers
Let the Lions Roar!

District 1-BK Lions of Illinois


1BK 2024-2025 Goals

1BK 2024-2025 District Team/Cabinet

1BK 2024-2025 Calendar of Events

1st 1BK Cabinet Meeting Materials for 1-27-24 Mtg @ Mokena

Lion and Leo Club Excellence Award application forms
Does your Lion of Leo Club excel in service, membership growth and organizational operations?

Select the link below to view the Club Excellence Award application forms for Lion and Leo clubs for the Lion year that just completed (2023/2024). Any club can submit these forms. Send your applications to the District Governor so it can be reviewed, signed and submited to LCI.
Lion applications are due to LCI by August 31, 2024. Leo applications are due to LCI by August 15, 2024.

CLUB POWER: Clubs, Add Your Own Events to 1BK Website
Go to www.1bklions.org and click on ADD CLUB EVENT button at top right of screen. 
Login using "1bklions" - all lower case - as both the ID and the PASSWORD.
Type the title in the tite box as you wish it to appear.
Type in any details in the details box.
Add up to 5 file attachements in the UPLOAD DOCUMENTS section.
Click SUBMIT when done.  Your item will be posted to the HOT NEWS section of website immediately.

MD-1 July Magazine
Enjoy the MD-1 July Magazine.  Also included is a list of MD-1 Events & Fundraisers. Please forward this to ALL your fellow Lions.

MD1 Lions Shirt Order Form

First Cabinet Meeting of the 2024-2025 Lion Year
TO:    District 1-BK Cabinet Members
          District 1-BK Lion Presidents & Secretaries
          District 1-BK Distinguished Lions  

FROM:    Lion Charlie Siefert, Cabinet Secretary

DATE:     July 17, 2024 

RE:        First Cabinet Meeting of the 2024-2025 Lion Year

The first District 1-BK Cabinet Meeting of the year is coming up fast.  All Lionand Leos arinvited to join us.

WHEN:    Saturday, July 27, 2024. The meeting startat 10:00 a.m. with coffee, rolls/donuts, and juice, available at ~9:30 a.m.

WHERE:  The Oaks Fitness & Rec Center
                 Walnut Room Floor 2 (there is an elevator)
10847 W. Laporte Road
Mokena, Illinois 60448


Lunch will be provided after the meeting by the Mokena Lions Club. The menu consists of Italian beef, chicken, mostaccioli, and salad and rolls.

The lunch will cost $12. RSVfor lunch by July 24, 2024 to:
CS Charlie Siefert at csiefert@ameritech.net or DG Tom Drez at tom@drez.net.
Cabinet reports are due by 5:0p.m. on July 24th.

The cabinet reports arto bsubmitted using the attached Word or PDF fillable forms. Reports should be emailed to me at csiefert@ameritech.net. 

Thgoal is to havthreports compiled and information made available by 9:00 a.m. on July 26th. To savtime during thmeeting, please make sure to get your reports submitted for inclusion. A listing of the cabinet reports and numbers is attached.

DG Tom Drez is asking anyone attending to bring a non-perishable food item(s) to each Cabinet meeting this year. The food collected will be given to the host Lions Club (Mokena) for their community food pantry.

If you have any questions, please feel free tcontact DG Tom Drez or me.

We look forwarto seeing you soon!

In service,

Charlie Siefert, PDG
Cabinet Secretary

The Buzzzzz is now 'Make Your Mark': July 2024 1-BK newsletter
With a new Lions year comes a new title to our 1BK newsletter. Enjoy reading 'Make Your Mark'

Order your Candy Day candy now!
District 1-BK will not be holding a Candy Day Jamboree this year.

The Marseilles Lions Club house will be acting as a depot for picking up your candy for Candy Day.

The first cabinet meeting of soon-to-be Governor Tom Drez is Saturday, July 27th.

Follow the link below to get a Candy Day order form. Fill it out and send it to LIF as soon as possible. Orders received prior to July 20th will be available for pickup at the Cabinet meeting.

Any questions or concerns, contact our Trustees:
PDG Shelia Perkins - 815-545-0716 or PCC Mark Williams - 815-719-3388.

Service expansion at Leader Dog

Leader Dogs for the Blind is expanding their free Guide Dog and Orientation & Mobility (O&M) programs to people residing in the United States and Canada who prefer receiving training in Spanish. 

For over 60 years, Leader Dog has provided our Guide Dog program to clients from Spanish-speaking countries who could not access guide dog training locally. Now, this exceptional programming will also be available to Spanish-speakers in the U.S. and Canada. 

Leader Dog is also providing a ground-breaking Orientation & Mobility (O&M) program (often referred to as white cane training) in Spanish. O&M training teaches people how to safely travel using a white cane. Clients also learn orientation skills to effectively know where they are, where they want to go and the skills to get to their destination. Skills learned may include crossing streets and problem-solving obstacles along a route, such as maneuvering through barriers, crowds, etc. 

“According to the CDC, Hispanic and Latino communities experience a higher risk of vision loss, offering our free programs to those who speak Spanish allows us to meet this critical need and empower more people with travel safety and independence,” said Melissa Weisse, Leader Dog president and CEO. "People often learn best in their native language, especially when acquiring skills as impactful as guide dog handling or orientation and mobility." 

Both free programs will follow Leader Dog's same high standards, simply conducted in Spanish rather than English. 

This expansion allows Leader Dog to further their vision that "every person who is blind or visually impaired travels safely and independently."  

Those interested in accessing Spanish-language Guide Dog or Orientation and Mobility training can get started by applying at LeaderDog.org or calling 888-777-5332 then press 1 to speak with client services. 

Deaf Awareness Baseball Nights
Let's Play 2!
What's better than one night of baseball? TWO NIGHTS OF BASEBALL!
Gather your family and friends to attend a Kane County Cougars vs. Gateway Grizzlies game.
June 21 in Geneva and July 31 in Sauget, IL
$25 per seat
Call 815-756-5633 or email LIFoffice@lifnd.org with any questions.

The Buzzzz: Special District Convention - 2024 Edition

1BK Convention ID Paradiso Presentation -- FISH WHERE THE FISH ARE